Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Smooth Sailing

Today Aaron and Jake put 34 miles of river behind them, stopping to camp at Leaning Willows campsite just outside Grand Rapids.  This section of river is a transition from the wetlands and forests of the headwaters to the lowland hardwood forest of Aitkin County.  Tomorrow they will need to portage around two manmade dams; one which controls the water level for Lake Pokegama and one that provides hydropower to the Blandin Paper Company.  Downstream from Grand Rapids the river shorelines become agricultural and then forested as it meanders through Aitkin County.

Posted by Aaron's dad


  1. Way to go, 34 miles is a great pace!
    Any pictures yet?

    I miss you Aaron, Boomer

  2. They do not have any internet service. We may get some pictures uploaded when they reach the twin cities.

    Brian Drendel

  3. Can't wait to see the miles they can put in when the rivers flowing at a million gallons per second. Awesome!

    Mike T
